TikTok users, beware of these 7 common scams in 2022

Tiktok is literally the most popular thing right now, the amount of videos I have seen with that TikTok watermark is bordering insanity or the number of “news” that I got from tiktoker is massive, I don’t even use TikTok, it is everywhere and in everyone mouth.

And with all this popularity comes scammer with tons of fake accounts. They can range from romance scams to asking for your personal information.

In this article, we will explain some of the most common TikToks in 2022 and provide you with some guidance on protecting yourself and other users.

7 most common and frequent scams

1. Bot Accounts

There are many bot accounts on TikTok that engage with users and attempt to fool you into thinking you are chatting with a real person. They may directly request sensitive information from you or attempt to direct you to phony websites that will steal your information or infect your computer with malware.

2. More likes and followers

This TikTok scam targets users who want to increase their fan base and rise up to influential TikTokers. The fraudulent accounts promise users likes and followers in return for money, the installation of an app, or some other kind of action. Once you comply with the scam account's demands, you either won't receive any followers or likes at all or all of them will come from phony accounts and automated programs with blatantly fake names and profiles.

3. Adult Content TikTok Scam

This TikTok scam involves fake accounts stealing pictures or videos of women wearing bikinis or workout gear and uploading them to the platform in an effort to draw in users looking for adult content. The fraudulent accounts then direct their followers to Snapchat or websites with adult content, where they are eventually prompted to enter their credit card information or other payment information to access "premium" content.

4. TikTok Scam Email Phishing

A typical phishing email that is sent to anyone with a TikTok account whose email address scammers have managed to obtain is a TikTok scam email. They might try to entice you with a special deal, a larger following, a verified badge, or sponsorship. If you choose to click on any of the email's links, you will be taken to a page that requests your login details or other personal data.

5. TikTok Scam Apps

On TikTok, fake accounts occasionally urge you to download fraudulent apps they are promoting. The accounts either make false claims about paid apps or actually install adware or malware on your device to annoy you with ads or steal your information.

6. Fake Celebrities

Watch out for accounts on TikTok that impersonate real-life celebrities as well. Many con artists are adept at virtually copying the content of a real celebrity's account in order to lure unwary TikTok users into following them. They might then advertise other fraudulent content, like scams involving cryptocurrency investments, using the fake accounts.

7. Blackmailing

You could be threatened while using TikTok, in addition to people trying to trick you into visiting a malicious website or extort sensitive information from you. In order to accomplish this, they will first make an effort to win your trust before discussing sex-related topics. They might even nudge you on occasion to share explicit material about yourself with them, like a nude photo.

The moment the user succumbs to this, the extortion begins. If the user falls for their trap, they will threaten to send the explicit content to their friends or family. Nobody wants to be caught in their spouse's or kids' naked photos, so they typically use this trick. In exchange for preserving the victim's reputation, the con artist would demand money.

How to stay safe on TikTok.

Let’s get this straight, while users from age 13 to 19 are targeted most in the app, anyone from all age ranges can also be a victim. So beware of how you interact on the site and with other people.

You might be wondering how to safeguard yourself from TikTok scammers now that you are aware of the 7 most prevalent types of TikTok scams. We'll provide you with some advice on how to recognize fake TikTok accounts and steer clear of the most popular scams down below.

Watch Out for Promoted Apps

Don't just download any apps you see advertised on TikTok at random. Before downloading anything, do some research and read reviews to make sure you're getting what you paid for and won't be installing any malware or adware on your computer.

Verify the Authenticity of Celebrity Accounts

The simplest way to identify a genuine celebrity account is to look for a verified badge. This badge will be worn by any legitimate celebrity. However, it is not unheard of for scammers to figure out how to obtain the verified badge, so always conduct your own research to ensure that any celebrity accounts you follow are genuine. To find a celebrity's official TikTok handle, simply Google their name and "TikTok."

Use Caution When Viewing Adult Content.

It can be very challenging to determine if you're going to get what you're paying for when it comes to adult content because of its nature. Just be aware that there are many fake adult content accounts on TikTok, and be extremely cautious of any accounts that try to direct you to a Snapchat or a website that demands your credit card information right away.

Keep an eye out for bots.

If someone messages you on TikTok, watch out for odd requests and phrases. It's probably a bot if the conversation doesn't seem natural or if the username is unusual. Never divulge your personal details to anyone on TikTok.

Ignore Emails With TikTok Links

Never click on any links in emails offering you sponsorship or other deals related to your account unless you receive an official email from TikTok. No legitimate company should email you links to click on in relation to your TikTok account. They'll simply redirect you to phishing or malware-infected websites.

Don't Try to Get More Likes and Followers Quickly.

Avoid any accounts that promote unrealistic methods of gaining likes and followers quickly. Focus on creating quality content and gaining fans organically if you want to grow on TikTok. Don't be tempted to pay for fans because they'll all be fake accounts or bots in the end.

So with this, I close my case. The internet is full of scammers and many, many malevolent activities that can cause you great harm physically, financially, and mentally. I hope you can use some of the stuff i wrote in this article to arm yourself against them while you watch those funny dogs (or cat) videos and people reacting to a song. As they say, With great knowledge, comes fewer scammers.

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